My ears are regurgitating candy because of this!
Amazing. No, scrumptious. NO, F***ING FABULOUS GOD DAMN IT >8C
This tune sounds so awesome I am having a hard time believing it. It's long and hard (Lol penis), and it keeps you interested-- And I find that to be amazing, because a lot of the songs that have been submited to the AP are SOOOOO, EFFIN', BORING! Just generic little melodies and a drop every now and again. But this... This sounds so unique. So special and different. And I think it's the superb melody's doing.
But like any other things in this world, there is a side that is not so good about it. And well, for this song it's the kick. It's so overwhelmed by everything else I usually forget it's there, and it's just going and going, no cool little effects or anything for the most part. It just needs a little more attitude! If you improve that teeny tiny aspect, then this song will be perfect. That's right, perfect. As in, unflawed. Perfecta!
Anyways, amazing song. Keep it up boi! :D